Saturday, May 2, 2009

Dr. Horrible

Maggie LOVES Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog.  For those of you who are like, huh? it's a web mini series that Joss Wheedon and Co. did during the strike.  It's HILARIOUS and sweet and amazing and it is totally Maggie.  Her humor, her sensibility, just her.  And the songs are great.  Anyway, at the Paley Festival this year one of the evenings was devoted to Dr. Horrible. I knew it would sell out so on the day tickets went on sale, I was on the computer at exactly 9 am and I got four tickets.  Whew!  Maggie is so even keeled and sensible she rarely asks us for anything so when she does want something I really like to be able to come through for her.  Anyway, Maggie and Tony went with our friend's Krista and Kevin and had a great time seeing it on a big screen and hearing the talk by Joss and the actors afterwards.  Maggie really wanted to meet Joss but so did a bagillion other fans who were swarming him afterwards, so they just went to dinner.  Well, who should walk into the very same restaurant later, but Joss and his family.  At this point Krista feels like she needs to make this meeting happen for Mag, God Bless Her, but she's also wanting to be respectful of Joss's privacy, so she's not sure what to do, so she texts our friend Marti who used to write for Buffy(another Joss show) and is like "Marti, help, my friend Maggie is a huge Joss fan and he's at the same restaurant we're at, will you call him and ask him if we can come meet him?"  Marti responds that Joss is really nice and that they should just go introduce themselves.  So they did.  And he was sweet and complimented Maggie on her shirt and it all went fine.  Except that both Maggie and Krista were too embarrassed to ask for a picture, so .... see the people sitting around that table in the background?  That's Joss and his family.  Krista 'pretended' she was taking a picture of Maggie.  Hee hee.  Dr. Horrible would approve, I'm sure, of their sneaky ways.  

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