Thursday, January 29, 2009

2 men down

Sally has been coughing all week and has had a fever off and on, finally today I took her to the doctor - she has bronchitis.  So she's on antibiotics.  We picked up Maggie at school, she was feeling none to good herself but hopefully she's just overtired and suffering from TV-itis(Lost is back on and she and Tony watched it last night so she got to bed late) because we got home and we took Holly out to the back yard to run around and she suddenly yelped and started limping.  I took her to the vet and they xrayed her front right paw and found a chip fracture.  So she's supposed to rest it for a few weeks.  They gave me pain killers for her which I gave her before reading the directions and I accidentally gave her a double dose.  So she's all doped up.  So, here's a picture of the two sickies happily lounging around in the den.  

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