Monday, February 22, 2010

6 years ago ...

on March 8th it will be the 6 year anniversary of meeting Sally and it will also be Sally's birthday. Because both are on the same day, we don't ever really get to celebrate 'family day'. Here's a picture I came across tonight that made me smile. I love how cute Sally is in the picture and the way Tony's smiling. And I even think I don't look as crazy as I know I was feeling.

I just realized the other day that Maggie will be graduating high school the same year that Sally will be graduating from 6th grade at Walden. It's impossible to imagine Sally that old, not so impossible to imagine Maggie that old, cause she's already more mature than I was when I graduated from high school, but it is hard to imagine her away and on her own.

Anyway, time flies. Better enjoy the now.

Oh, the picture is taken in the conference room where everyone had to fill out paperwork to complete the adoption. The Chinese government are sticklers that every i be dotted and t crossed just right, so our adoption coordinator took us through each form, line by line, it took all afternoon. The picture is when Sally and I came down to visit Tony for awhile.

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